erlang problem when adding new vhost.

I've started ejabberd with configuration entry:
{host, ""}.
then I've stopped ejabberd, and changed this entry to:
{hosts. ["", ""]}.
and when I've tried to start ejabberd nothing happend. Nothing were listening on ports 5222 and so on. I use Debian, and installed ejabberd with apt-get. No output in syslog and ejabberd.log. Second I've tried to start ejabberd manyally with command described in the Installation Guide. And among meny debug info that erlang gave, there was: no home to create erlang cookie (or sth similiar to that). I've tried to find something about it on google but to no awail. Of course home dir for erlang to create this cookie file exists and is writable by user that runs erlang. Only way to make ejabberd start egain is to remove all in the mnesia dir and start fresh ejabberd serwer (particulary it is not what I want).

my misteake.


so no vhosts support yet. When I saw info about new features in 0.9 so I assumed that I have the latest version. But this problem with mnesia database is still mistery to me. Why when I change {host ...} to {hosts ..} and back again my ejabberd wont start. Is there something that I must correct in my mnesia db?

ps. Is there a way to edit first post in the thread?

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