
Hi all,

I'm going to do a stress test on my Jabber server to find how many simultaneous users it can handle. I found that jabsimul can do this test, but when I tried to download the software, I couldn't find it in the cvs. Is the project no longer exist? Is there anyone who can send me Jabsimul or give the link to download it. Thank you...

Yes, Jabsimul has

Yes, Jabsimul has disappeared from official repository since original authors have not maintained it. And I couldn't find the sources here, either.

But don't worry, the sources are not completely lost. There's a 'call for maintainers' and it will be released soon (I hope before next week).

I'll add a comment here with the download URL once they are available, and update the tutorial.

Thank you

Thank you for your help. I'll wait for it. Hope it will be released as soon as possible. Thanks again.

Old old source Jabsimul

I have old source Jabsimul (2002-01-18)
Downloaded from JabberStudio. Use if necessary

Things slowly come back to normal

Finally Jabsimul is again on Jabberstudio thanks to his original developer. But the source code is not available yet, either as a release, CVS or SVN.

The source code is said to be released 'soon' (maybe this week?).

A month and still no source code

Hi again,

I've been waiting, almost a month and still no Jabsimul source code released. Is the original developer still busy ? Thanks.

You need to poke the

You need to poke the developer: post a message to the JDEV list for that.


unofficial release

Yes, still no official release, so a friend of mine asked for it directly to the developer, and received the code available in the old CVS.

I've applied the little changes explained on the tutorial and it seems to work. The link to that (unofficial) version is included in the updated tutorial.

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