Add a MUC to a roster

Hi, I have created 5 different Roster groups using the web based frontend..

I have also created 5 different MUC rooms..

I would like to add 1 muc room to each of the Roster groups, server side, so that my users do not need to do it manually...

Can this be done..?? I have tried a combination of entries into the web front end but it just sees my entries as another user rather than one of the created MUC rooms..


I don't think this is

I don't think this is possible.


That depends on the client

That depends on the client you are using — they are all using different methods for determining if the jid is a user or a conference.

Tkabber for example shouldn't have any problems with such server-side added MUCs, but they should have "conference." subdomain part in their jid (see proc roster::heuristically_get_category_and_subtype in roster.tcl).

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