cannot start ejabberd 0.9.1

After to install ejabberd 0.9.1 in a environment with 0.9.0 installed the new version could not to start. The message bellow is showed in the erlang console:

=INFO REPORT==== 30-May-2005::10:09:56 ===
application: ejabberd
exited: "invalid return value from ejabberd_app:start(normal,[]) -> {'EXIT',\"unknown POSIX error\"}"
type: temporary

The .cfg file is the same.

If you search on this site

Thanks, but i can't start 0.9.1

I upgrade the erlang to the R10B-5. The new message appear:

=INFO REPORT==== 30-May-2005::13:30:54 ===
application: ejabberd
exited: "invalid return value from ejabberd_app:start(normal,[]) -> {'EXIT',\n {undef,\n [{mnesia,\n system_info,\n [extra_db_nodes]},\n {ejabberd_app,db_init,0},\n {ejabberd_app,start,2},\n {application_master,start_it_old,4}]}}"
type: temporary

I'm upgrading the system and using the same database dir and .cfg file.


Did you recompile ejabberd?

undef, {mnesia, system_info
This means Erlang can't find some important parts of OTP. Did you 'make clean; ./configure; make' ejabberd after upgrading Erlang?

./configure problem


I don't execute the commands one more time after upgrading Erlang. I do this now. But, the following error was displayed while the ./configure runs:

checking for erlc... /usr/bin/erlc
checking for erl... /usr/bin/erl
Compiler function compile:compile/3 failed:
configure: error: could not compile sample program

The Erlang environment version: R10B-5
No Java Virtual Machine Installed (because it's optional).
No odbc library.

Recompile the Erlang?


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