Python client for the Ejabberd XML-RPC API

I've been working on a Python client for the Ejabberd XML-RPC API.
Although it is still work in progress, It already features several functions, which map 1-on-1 to the ejabberdctl functions. The API I've got so far:

class EjabberdAPIContract(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)):
    def echo(self, sentence):

    def registered_users(self, host):

    def register(self, user, host, password):

    def unregister(self, user, host):

    def change_password(self, user, host, newpass):

    def check_password_hash(self, user, host, password):

    def set_nickname(self, user, host, nickname):

    def muc_online_rooms(self, host=None):

    def create_room(self, name, service, host):

    def destroy_room(self, name, service, host):

    def get_room_options(self, name, service):

    def change_room_option(self, name, service, option, value):

These methods are of course fully implemented and tested in the library.

I am looking for contributors to extend the functionality of the library. Are there any Python developers, interested in having a robust, well tested Ejabberd XML-RPC API client for Python here that would like to support this development?

You can find the library at pypi:
And also on github:

This is nice. Thank you !

This is nice. Thank you !

Yes, I have an interest in

Yes, I have an interest in the Py client for ejabberd, although I'm a total Py dev n00b!

A systems/network engineer by trade, and high level generalist, I've recently taken an interest in expanding my horizons with automation ... namely out of curious for Devops movement, but also because I wanted to tackle a language that seems pertinent to my industry.

In particular I have a client that uses the ejabberd chat server, and I'd like to experiment a bit with custom Chat clients built on Py --- of course in a sandbox environment.

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