ejabberd startup script...

Hi Everyone,

I saved the script mentioned in http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.network.jabber.ejabberd/1160 as etc/init.d as ejabberd and I tried to start the ejabberd server by issuing the command

service ejabberd start

but i am getting the following error

#etc/init.d/ejabberd: line 26: /etc/rc.status: No such file or directory
#/etc/init.d/ejabberd: line 27: rc_reset: command not found
#Serviço está no ar. PIDs dos processos: 16100

I checked with the /etc/directory it is true that rc.status do not exist.

Anyone can give me how to rectify this error and start ejabberd as a service along with when redhat linux starts. I hope Badlop will be the person who is going to reply for this query...


Need assistance in starting ejabberd as service...

Hi Badlop,

Can I get your suggestions for starting ejabberd as automatic service.
With this configuration my ejabberd installation and configuration will get over and will be ready to rolled out to production.

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