Help to start ejabberd as Service...

Hi everyone,

I have a fully functional ejabberd... Now I want to start ejabberd as a service during startup. Please can someone here help me to achieve it. I did try running a script found in this forum, but I did get a error...

rc. status...file not found
rc_reset....command not found

Hope many of you have arrived at a solution for this query. Please do let me also know the steps.

Thanks in advance.

You could look at Debian

You could look at Debian ejabberd package. It includes scripts which allow to run ejabberd during startup.

Thanks Teo.

Thanks Teo. I will check out that site...

Using RedHat Linux...

I am using RedHat Linux... Is it possible to install Debian in the same box and is it necessary to install Debian for starting up ejabberd...Anyway let me know your suggestion.

No, it is not needed. What

No, it is not needed. What teo said is that you can take a look at the scripts in the Debian package, to create your own script for RedHat.


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