Problems with porting user database from one server to another

Hey guys,

I had a ejabberd 0.7 up and running when the computer it was running on crashed. I was able to recover the directory ejabberd was installed to. When I set up the new server I installed 0.7 again and simply tried to copy the .cfg and the spool directory to the new server. I tried it step for step so I realised that copying the .cfg was just fine but when it came up to the spool directory the trouble started.

After restarting the server when I had the spool directory copied, Exodus was not able to find a server at localhost. I also tried it from other clients, no success.

Can someone tell me how I can port the userdatabase to the new server? It´s running on winxp.

Thanks in advance,



Mnesia database can be used

Mnesia database can be used only at one fixed node. So it would work if your new server had the same DNS name as the former.

Thanks teo, that worked

Thanks teo, that worked perfectly fine for me.

Migration Script?

I'm facing the same problem. My requirement is move my database to a higher end machine (IP and DomainName are different). Is there any script available for migrating the script? I tried replacing the nodename manually in all the files of the spool directory. but it dosnt work.

Please somebody give me a solution for this.

And what about exporting to text file?

And what about exporting the database to a text file, removing the spool dir, replacing the node name in that text file and importing it?

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