Jabber Message Error (code 404) when I try to chat w/ another user

I'm running FreeBSD 5.4 with ejabberd-0.9.1_1 installed from ports. I can connect to the server using gaim, register a user, but when I try to send another user a message gaim gives me:
Jabber Message Error, Message delivery to user failed (code 404).

I can't seem to find any answers, and the logs aren't telling me, or I'm reading them incorrectly.

Please help.

I would think it would be some kind of permission error, being a code 404 and all, but I can't figure it out.

Have you already tried with

Have you already tried with another Jabber client?


Just tried it with exodus

Exodus just says "error" when trying to send a message to another user.

And is it a message on your

And is it a message on your server or on another server?


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