S2S not working on 2.0.2 ?

I have two jabber servers serving two different domains:

one serving binaryculture.com.au running 2.0.1

the other serves spinfast.com.au and it runs 2.0.2

S2S works fine (seemingly) on the binaryculture one

S2S doesn't seem to work on the spinfast one - when i try to send a message from the binaryculture to the spinfast i get an error that *looks* like an invalid certificate (no start line) but of course if the binaryculture certificate were bad i wouldn't be able to connect to it (both the c2s connection and the s2s connection certificate lines reference the same certificate)

i can message binaryculture from google no problem, but i can't talk to the spinfast one

any ideas?

Check log files. Try to disable s2s encryption.

Check ejabberd.log and sasl.log in spinfast, maybe they show some error message at server start or when a s2s connection is attempted.

If they don't show anything useful, you can check if the problem is related to s2s encryption. You can disable s2s encryption in ejabberd.cfg with:

{s2s_use_starttls, false}.

Then restart ejabberd and check if s2s works now.

Spinfast doesn't show

Spinfast doesn't show anything in the logs, and I can see the incoming connection request when i try to send a message from binaryculture or google to spinfast.

After turning off the encryption on BOTH servers I don't get any errors, but google can't connect now.

Re-Enabling encryption for the binaryculture one lets that one talk to gtalk and to spinfast.

As soon as i re-enable starttls on the s2s for spinfast, binaryculture gets a certificate error.

The same certificate that spinfast is using for s2s is used for c2s on spinfast and clients can connect - i also get the error on binaryculture and not on spinfast.

Any ideas?

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