Reserve / blacklist JIDs

Hello all,

is there a way to reserve / blacklist JIDs in ejabberd?

I don't like users like for example admin@, hostmaster@, root@... because they implement certain functionality which isn't there or for sure maybe also usernames which are politicly incorrect.

Kindest regards,

Re: Reserve / blacklist JIDs

Hmm... I guess you can define an acl in config file and deny this usernames in mod_register.

Hi! open your


open your ejabberd.cfg

search & edit this:

{acl, strangename, {user_glob, "xxx"}}.
{acl, strangename, {user_glob, "*admin*"}}.
{acl, strangename, {user_glob, "test*"}}.
{acl, strangename, {user_glob, "root"}}.
{acl, strangename, {user_glob, "chef"}}.
{acl, strangename, {user_glob, "king"}}.
{acl, strangename, {user_glob, "god"}}.

works great!

Re: Reserve / blacklist JIDs

Hey great thank you! I'll test this as soon as I restart the server again. :-)

Re: Reserve / blacklist JIDs


additional question: When blacklisting JIDs, can I still manually add those specific JIDs and can existing users with these JIDs still user their accounts?

Thank and regards,

case sensitive or insensitive?

Hello all,

another question: I blacklisted "admin" and now someone created an account named "Admin".

So user names are not case insensitive?!? How can I blacklist insensitive?

And is it possible that there are users named "XXX", "xxx" and "Xxx" for example?

Kindest regards,

> So user names are not case

> So user names are not case insensitive?

In Jabber, username is case insensitive: admin and Admin are the same. I verified in ejabberd that blocking "admin" makes impossible to register account "Admin".

> I blacklisted "admin" and now someone created an account named "Admin".

I can see two explanations:

  • You didn't blacklist "admin" correctly.
  • You blacklisted "admin" correctly, and the other account is not "Admin". Instead it's "Adm1n, or uses some UTF-8 character to appear similar to the latin characters.

You can try to register accounts ADMIN, ADMin, etc.

Re: Reserve / blacklist JIDs

This is how it looked:

> The user '' was just created on node ejabberd@calypso.

Then I checked the config file:

> {acl, strangename, {user_glob, "admin"}}.
> {acl, strangename, {user_glob, "administrator"}}.
> {acl, strangename, {user_glob, "hostmaster"}}.

Seems to be ok or is there a typo?

I try to register other forms of "admin" and post the result.


Maybe you forgot to add the

Maybe you forgot to add the other parts of the config?

You should have something like this:

{acl, strangename, {user_glob, "admin"}}.
{acl, strangename, {user_glob, "administrator"}}.
{acl, strangename, {user_glob, "hostmaster"}}.

{access, register, [{deny, strangename}, {allow, all}]}.

{modules, [
  {mod_register, [
                  {access, register}

Yes, I forgot {access, register, [{deny, strangename}, {allow...

Hello badlop,

oh yes, I forgot

> {access, register, [{deny, strangename}, {allow, all}]}

for each virtual host I want to blacklist JIDs... Shame on me and thank you so much.

I hope this works now, keep you posted.

Can you say something about this question I asked earlier (some months ago)?

> additional question: When blacklisting JIDs, can I still manually add those specific JIDs and can existing users with these JIDs still user their accounts?

Background: I like to blacklist admin JIDs for all virtual hosts. With the main virtual host, these admin JIDs exist, with the other host, they don't exist. Also I noticed some JIDs like root and webmaster which are registered. I would like to blacklist these JIDs and (first of all) nicely talk these users out of their JID before deleting it.

Kindest regards,

> When blacklisting JIDs, can

> When blacklisting JIDs, can I still manually add those specific JIDs

Yes, the 'register' option in mod_register only has effect when an XMPP client uses In-Band Registration to attempt to register an account. Other methods provided by ejabberd are not affected by that option, like shell ejabberdctl, or WebAdmin.

> and can existing users with these JIDs still user their accounts?

Yes, the option only affects account registration.

BTW; if you don't want the user "admin@localhost" to later register "admin111@localhost", instead of

{acl, strangename, {user_glob, "admin"}}.

you should put:

{acl, strangename, {user_glob, "admin*"}}.


Thank you so much for your help! I Hope that everything works fine now. :-)

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