700kb of RAM per connection


I tried to connect 600 idle users (just connect and authenticate) to
my ejabberd instance and found out that the process eats 400 mb of RAM
+ virtual.
For 300 users it takes about 210 mb. For 0 users online ejabberd takes < 30 mb.

What could be the reason for such a behavior?

I tried erlang & ejabberd versions from Ubuntu 8.10 repository and
also tried latest erlang (R12B-5) and ejabberd (2.0.3) from source.
All the same.


Also in the ejabberd mailing list

For reference, this was also posted in the ejabberd mailing list: 700kb of RAM per connection, and got some responses.

Yep, the culprit was TLS.

Yep, the culprit was TLS.

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