Postgres Configuration


I've installed ejabberd 2, using the .bin downloaded from the webpage.
First I tested it using internal as authentication method and it worked fine (admin interface and server login), then I tried to enable PostgreSQL; first creating the db using the schema provided by ejabberd, then edited the ejabberd.cfg -file commenting this line:

%% {auth_method, internal}.

and added these 2:

{auth_method, odbc}.
{odbc_server, {pgsql, "", "ejabberd", "ejabberd", "password"}}.

and restarted the ejabberd, but the admin interface and server is not accepting user credentials, also I don't see any logs from the ejabberd trying to connect to postgres db.

I've tested conecting to my db, from the shell: ~$ psql ejabberd -U ejabberd -hlocalhost , and it connects just fine.

Any help will be apreciated,



Create manually your admin account

ejabberd does not migrate automatically your existing accounts from the internal authentication database to your new pgsql database.

If you only miss the admin account, and it was called "", you can simply create that Jabber account manually now with that same name "". You can use a Jabber client to create the account, or ejabberdctl in the system shell.

re: Create manually your admin account

Thanks, that worked! :D

badlop wrote:

ejabberd does not migrate automatically your existing accounts from the internal authentication database to your new pgsql database.

If you only miss the admin account, and it was called "", you can simply create that Jabber account manually now with that same name "". You can use a Jabber client to create the account, or ejabberdctl in the system shell.

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