Can't register my admin user

I'm trying to set up a test version of ejabberd on a small Ubuntu 8.10 system. Using the Synaptic packet manager I have installed ejabberd 2.0.1-2 apparently with no problems. Now here is what I have done:
1) /etc/hostname is ubuntu810
2) /etc/hosts contains ubuntu810
3) On the server I can start Firefox and navigate successfully to http://ubuntu810
4) I change the /usr/share/ejabberd.cfg with the following:
{acl, admin, {user, "copadmin", "ubuntu810"}}.

{hosts, ["ubuntu810"]}

5) sudo /etc/init.d/ejabberd start
6) ejabberd appears to be working because I can navigate to mysystem:5280/admin and get a password challenge
7) HOWEVER, when I try to register my admin user:
sudo ejabberdctl register copadmin ubuntu810 mypassword
I get this error
Can't register "copadmin@ubuntu810" at node ejabberd@ubuntu810: not_allowed

I've checked that the default internal authorisation is allowed...
I'm very perplexed - I see that there are a few other posts about this but none exactly the same and none so recent. And all the doc about getting started quickly seems to think that this should all work. Help much appreciated since I can feel I will have plenty of problems getting this to work in http without crashing at our firewall, and if I can't even register my user I'm in real trouble...

try to register new "plain"

try to register new "plain" user and after registration give him admin acl.

Tried this - no luck

I tried doing this by simply commenting out the acl line then stopping and restarting the jabber server. No luck, I still get the same problem.
Could it be something to do with the way ubuntu installs it (I user the Synaptic install manager)?

No, acl stored in DB, not

No, acl stored in DB, not config!
If you want clear acl - you should uncomment in config:

%%%   =======================

%% Override the old values stored in the database.

%% Override global options (shared by all ejabberd nodes in a cluster).

%% Override local options (specific for this particular ejabberd node).

%% Remove the Access Control Lists before new ones are added.

and restart ejabberd.

Maybe you can't register that

Maybe you can't register that Jabber account because it already is registered?

Check with:

sudo ejabberdctl registered_users ubuntu810

None of this works.....

I have tried everything you all suggest but no luck.
Here is my config file... (at least the first bit - everything else is as default)

%%%     Debian ejabberd configuration file
%%%     This config must be in UTF-8 encoding
%%% The parameters used in this configuration file are explained in more detail
%%% in the ejabberd Installation and Operation Guide.
%%% Please consult the Guide in case of doubts, it is available at
%%% /usr/share/doc/ejabberd/guide.html

%%%   ===================================

%% Override global options (shared by all ejabberd nodes in a cluster).

%% Override local options (specific for this particular ejabberd node).

%% Remove the Access Control Lists before new ones are added.

%% Options which are set by Debconf and managed by ucf

%% Admin user
%% {acl, admin, {user, "copadmin", "ubuntu810"}}.
%% {acl, admin, {user, "__USER__", "ubuntu810"}}.

%% Hostname
{hosts, ["ubuntu810"]}.


I still get the same "not_allowed" message when I try to register a user.
I have tried loading from the config file:

sudo ejabberdctl load-config /usr/share/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg

but this just lists the command formats (very unhelpful error messaging).

This command does not exist either....

sudo ejabberdctl registered-users ubuntu810

... and same with registered_users or registeredusers


sudo ejabberdctl stats registeredusers a result of zero.

And now I am even more stuck because I have just shut down ejabberd to make one more try and I get this:

copernic@ubuntu810:/usr/share/ejabberd$ sudo ejabberdctl stop
copernic@ubuntu810:/usr/share/ejabberd$ sudo ejabberdctl start
RPC failed on the node ejabberd@ubuntu810: nodedown

I'm beginning to think maybe there is something wrong with the Ubuntu install and I should download and install myself. Any ideas welcome.

Have you tried the user:

Have you tried the user: admin@ubuntu810 and not only admin??

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