ejabberd v0.9.8 Windows binary/installer in the works?

Was just curious if anyone is working on an installer for a Windows binary version of ejabberd v0.9.8.

I saw that ejabberd v0.9.8 (both source and a Linux binary) was released on 1 Aug 2005, but no corresponding Windows installer appeared during the week. As I was on vacation all last week, I figured I'd give it time as there is usually a lag between a release of ejabberd and a Windows installer of same.

I'm back from vacation now, it's been 2 weeks since the release of v0.9.8, but still no installer. Just curious if the same folks who provided the older installers are working on this, whether any new folks are doing so, or whether we're on our own at this point. Not sure how difficult it is to do an upgrade and/or clean install of ejabberd from source vs. the installers under Windows. I do know the past installers did a nice job, so if someone's working on one, thanks in advance and looking forward to it.

not officially released; but you can give it a try

Yes, the installer was built as usual, but for some reason it's not yet officially published on Process-One website.

If you want to give it a try, this seems to be it. Please report any problem with that installer right here.

Hmmm, wonder why it's not on

Hmmm, wonder why it's not on Process-One then. Anyway, thanks for the link. Have pulled down the file and will test when I get the chance.

I think they are on

I think they are on holidays.


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