FreeBSD 7.2 - how to start ejabberd at boot time ?

Hello everyone, I installed eJabberd server version 2.0.5 on FreeBSD 7.2 OS. The installation was successful and I am able to start and stop it manually.

I want start eJabberd at boot time but i have problem. I entered to my rc.conf file this: ejabberd_enable="YES"

If I do command ejabberdctl status, :

Node ejabberd@localhost is started. Status: started
ejabberd is not running

If I do command ejabberdctl stop and then ejabberd start, everything is working correctly. Please help me with this problem :) I am novice

Check file owners

Have you installed it from ports or from packages or by hands?

If you did it from ports/packages, then the rc.d script /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ejabberd uses the account that had been created at install time (ejabberd) to start the server. You can manually check what's wrong with your startup using the command
su ejabberd -c "ejabberdctl live"
(effectively doing the same thing that the script does) and then check the error output, but the most probable cause is that your server data files are owned by root, not by ejabberd. I did it like this:

chown ejabberd /var/spool/ejabberd
chown ejabberd /var/spool/ejabberd/*
chown ejabberd /var/spool/ejabberd/.erlang.cookie

(their mode must be 0700).

Regards, Mike.


Yes, i installed ejabberd with ports. I changed owner to ejabberd and everything is working corretly after BOOT process :) Thank you so much :)

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