mode_irc and privates queries

privates queries in a IRC rooms does not work on my Ejabberd installation, is it a bug or a planned feature for next release ?

It should work. Maybe it is

It should work. Maybe it is a problem in your client?


I have made tests with Psi

I have made tests with Psi and Tkabber but none works :
- Psi <-> mod_irc <-> irssi user
- Psi <-> mod_irc <-> tkabber
- tkabber <-> mod_irc <-> irssi_user

I am using ejabberd 0.9.8

I am using ejabberd 0.9.8 and I just tried it with Coccinella:

  1. RMB click on the user you want to open a private chat with.
  2. Select "chat".
  3. Type in the message.
  4. If he replies, a new tab will appear (or window if you disabled tabbed chats).


I have made test with

I have made test with coccillena but I got the same problem, so this should be a configuration error :
I am using ejabberd_0.9.8-1sarge1_i386.deb from
The server host is and this is the mod_irc config line :
{mod_irc, [{host, ""}]},

is there a debug mode in ejabberd to see xmpp messages ?

I have this: {mod_irc,

I have this:

  {mod_irc,        []},

And I am using ejabberd 0.9.8 from the FreeBSD ports.


The problem is ...

I have found the problem :
by sniffing the packets, the freenode irc server send back :
"Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( )"

is there any way to support irc authentification (automatically, by sending msg to nickserv works :) ) ?

Yes, but I guess this may

Yes, but I guess this may differ on what IRC server software is used (I don't know much about IRC). At least I succeeded in registering once. I am not sure how I did it (it is a long time ago), but you need to enter the command in one of these windows that popped up when you joined the room. It might be also possible that I had to remove the slash in the IRC register command. So I guess you should try. If you succeed, it would be nice to hear how you did it as I maybe can document it somewhere. ;-)


IRC authentification

All of this is true on freenode (I don't know much for other server) :
when a nickname is registered, nickserver! send messages for authentification, it says to send

/msg nickserver IDENTIFY password

in jabber message that done by replying (to nickserver! :

IDENTIFY password

One thing that could be good for the irc module of ejabberd is like a user could register the encoding to use for each irc server, a user could register a password with a nickname and the server automatically authenticate when connecting to irc servers.

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