How to setup backup node on the same machine?


Is there any way to set up second(or third) node on the same machine? As ejabberd can work redundactly on ONE machine? If yes - where can i find any doc about setting it?

I never tested this, but

I never tested this, but maybe you can try to change the names after -s or after -sname (or -name). So that you have:

  • ejabberd1@computer1
  • ejabberd2@computer1
  • (and eventually ejabberd1@computer2)


We want to setup ejabber

We want to setup ejabber cluster with single domain. Is there any way to set it up for single domain on serveral server without using SRV records?

and...we plan to use cisco catalyst 6000 series SLB to make ejabber full redundant/load balanced. in that metter we must set it up on private addresess and make at last 2 nodes on separate servers. Are there any known problems related to that configuration?

Alexey said me: "no problems

Alexey said me: "no problems i think" :-)


thanks...but on first or

thanks...but on first or second question ;) ?

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