presence with caps, receive pep event notify. how to?

i use an new client to login ejabberd. can't get pep event notify.

as the XEP-0115 and xep-0163, refer to. but i can't get it work correctly (receive pep event notify). i use Psi client login, it can receive pep event notify correctly .

is there someone can help me.


strange mood pep event notify

Recently, i get presence with caps receive pep event notify works.
but there has an strange pep event notify behavior.
my server has two user "tom" and "jim".
"tom" subscribe "jim" with subscription "to" in roster.

when "jim" login presence with caps:

<presence from='jim@domain/Client'><priority>25</priority><c xmlns='' node='http://domain/caps' ver='1.0' ext='cs ep-notify'/></presence>

then "jim" can receive mood pep event notify:

<message from='jim@domain' to='jim@domain/Client'><event xmlns=''><items node=''><item id='4EC9C27088B82'>...</item></items></event><delay xmlns='urn:xmpp:delay' from='jim@domain/Client' stamp='2009-12-12T17:40:00Z'></delay></message>

and now i login "tom" presence with caps:

<presence from='tom@domain/Client'><priority>25</priority><c xmlns='' node='http://domain/caps' ver='1.0' ext='cs ep-notify'/></presence>

but "tom" cant receive any mood pep event notify, both "tom" self mood pep event notify and "jim" mood pep event notify

at this time i logout "jim" and then login "tom" again. then "tom" can receive himself mood pep event notify(strange).

here is my caps_features dump:

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