How to remove ca. 30K spam accounts?

Some days ago spam bots was create about 30K accounts. Is this possible remove these accounts not separately, but at once?

A way to delete accounts

A way to delete accounts programatically is in the shell: ejabberdctl delete_account. But that would be too slow for 30.000 accounts.

A faster method can be to install mod_admin_extra, and call: ejabberdctl delete_old_users_vhost. This will "Delete users that didn't log in last days in vhost".


I was try do this, but I have one problem. I was get modules from svn and try install module mod_admin_extra: ./build, copy mod_admin_extra.beam to /usr/lib/ejabberd/ebin/ and added {mod_admin_extra, []}, to config. After restart I don't have additional commands in ejabberdctl and log say:

=ERROR REPORT==== 2010-02-09 19:47:19 ===
E(<0.1254.0>:gen_mod:66) : {undef,
"Recompile and reload Erlang source code file",
"Load ejabberd configuration file",[],
"Get the Erlang cookie of this node",[],

What I'm doing wrong?


I think mod_admin_extra plugin is for ejabberd build from svn (trunk) and they not working. So I was used mod_ctlextra and option delete-older-users. If someone not used my jabber serwer within 3 monts, then will not angry if they account was removed :)


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