CMS authentification

Hi All.

I'm sure this must have been answered before but I couldn't see a clear cut answer so please accept my apologies for any replication. Hopefully would either link me to something existing or give me the information. :-)

Is it yet possible to link ejabberd or any other XMPP to an existing userbase within MySQL.

I work with a CMS called ImpressCMS and also use it for my own sites as well as client sites. At the moment we use a commercial product called 123webmessenger and 123flashchat these are great and I'd keep the chat room (123flashchat) however the webmessenger is restrictive in that could cost to upgrade for more users but most importantly there isn't any real for XMPP so you have to use their client which only works on Windows. I have a few machines, WindowsXP, 7, Ubuntu and Mac. I'm more of a Mac man and only use the other machines for specific purposes when required and use Adium on Mac as my main messenger client, it would be cool if I could use Adium to connect in with our community users rather than having to be on the site or use Windows.

So if it is possible to use an existing CMS member base, how would it be done and can it check against MD5 and SALT password encryption? (Our CMS traditionally uses MD5 however we are now pushing for use of SALT in user upgrades. In new installs SALT is the standard).

Thank you kindly for any help offered. :-)

You can configure the

You can configure the authentication system:

The quickest way to get ejabberd querying your specific database is to write a custom extauth script. It's described here:

You can find several example exauth scripts, in different languages, here:


Thank you. :-)

extauth crashes. performance?

This thread essentially says to avoid extauth because it degrades ejabberd:

Is that post still true?
We need to implement our own authentication and extauth seems to be the easiest solution. But if extauth degrades ejjabberd performance that much, we cannot use it.

Thanks for any help.

Extauth can be a first approximation


avoid extauth because it degrades ejabberd:

We need to implement our own authentication and extauth seems to be the easiest solution.

Extauth is the easiest solution to get your custom auth working. It seems the easiest because you can write the script in any programming language you prefer.

But if you later notice in your system that this isn't efficient/fast enought, you will want to write your own native ejabberd_auth_arnel.erl, similarly to other native ejabberd_auth_internal, _odbc, _ldap, ...

If you want to integrate a web client for Ejabberd, check iJab

iJab is a AJAX web chat client for XMPP that could be integrated into your website like Facebook style web chat bar. Go to to have a look.

You could write a custome auth module to make iJab single-sign-on with your CMS website.

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