erlang-mode in emacs

All right, this is not directly related to ejabberd development, but I think this might be a good place to start. This is strictly an emacs question that I hope will get me started hacking in Erlang as quickly as possible.

I need a .emacs file for some sort of erlang-mode in emacs. If anybody is familiar with MIT-Scheme, then such a setup would be good where I can interactively work with the erlang interpreter. The best way to work with Scheme is to open emacs, load scheme-mode (which automatically launches the scheme interpreter as a subprocess of emacs) and then start hacking; when you hit C-x/C-e, then the last function you punched in gets interpreted and the results are given.

Of course, syntax highlighting is a must...any ideas?

There is an erlang.el in the

There is an erlang.el in the Erlang distribution, which works quite well. If you make syntax errors, the indentation will usually be strange, which draws attention to the problem.

It has an inferior-erlang command, but I've never tried to use it. I usually run ejabberd in a terminal, and type c(mod_foo). regularly - i.e. compile and load the new version of the code. Loading new functions interactively is not as easy as in Scheme, as they need to be part of the right module as well.


You made my day. I'm more than happy to at least have syntax highlighting, and I think I'll take your cue and simply compile the given file as I normally do (at least for now).

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