Protect Stored Messages

Hi fellows

My first time posting on this forum. I have a question, I hope is not in the wrong forum.

We are using JAJC as a client, and we can see our stored messages (history) with each user we talk to. But there is a special user, that everytime he can, he clears his messages history, so my question is:

Is there a Way to protect the history message not to be deleted?? or to protect private_store (in earlang)??

I don't know what is he hidding, but it's acting paranoic!! is there a way to store the chatting as in mail server you can store incoming and outgoing mails!!?

Thanks for your help!!

Sorry for my poor english, is there is something I didn't expain myself, please ask!!

JAJC and most other clients

JAJC and most other clients store the message on the client. So it is difficult to protect the history.

You can try to:


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