LDAP auth with email that is not in hosts


I have about 2.000 users I want to provide them a IM service.

All users are stored in LDAP with uid as username@number_of_domains .

Problem that I getting with ejabberd is a 'Host Unknown' message for clients when they try to login.

When I add a test domain to {hosts , ["localhost","test.com"] } then users from *@test.com are able to login( if they exist in LDAP)
I do not want to update hosts everytime someone will register.

ldap conf:
{auth_method, ldap}.
{ldap_servers, ["ldap.example.com"]}.
{ldap_uids, [{"uid", "%u@%d"}]}.
{ldap_base, "ou=webusers,dc=ldap,dc=example,dc=com"}.

How can I allow that any user from LDAP would be able to login to jabber without checkin hosts domain for jabber not for ldap?

Re: LDAP auth with email that is not in hosts

You should create as much virtual hosts as you have your domains. Then you should define ldap_uids in every virtual host configuration as follows:

{ldap_uids, [{"uid", "%u@virtualhost.org"}]}.

BTW, %d is not allowed in ldap_uids option.

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