Error occured in ejabberd start..

Error occured...

Please check your configuration and your installation.

If you are an advanced user, you can check the logs to check what is going wrong.

The name of the current ejabberd node is ejabberd@localhost.

Iam using in the windows 7. I installed windows installer version, there is no problem while installing.. when i click the desktop icon for start ejabberd. iam getting above error information..

please tell me what is problem..

madana wrote: Iam using in

madana wrote:

Iam using in the windows 7. I installed windows installer version, there is no problem while installing.. when i click the desktop icon for start ejabberd. iam getting above error information..

I installed and started it correctly in "Windows 7 Starter". The Windows firewall asked me 3 times if I grant ejabberd network access. Ejabberd, beam, epmd and related programs only need network access to the local machine.

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