Login to muc with exmpp


How can i login with exmpp bot to multi user chat room?

Thank you.

I try to

I try to use:

create_move_room (Room, Username) ->
#xmlel {name=presence, attrs=[#xmlattr{name = to,
value = list_to_binary(Room ++ "@" ++ ?JABBER_MUC_HOST ++ "/"
++ Username)}],
attrs=[#xmlattr{name=xmlns, value="?MUC"}]}]}.

But get error:

** Reason for termination =
** {badarg,[{erlang,binary_to_list,[to]},

I try to

I try to use:

create_move_room (Room, Username) ->
#xmlel {name=presence, attrs=[#xmlattr{name = to,
value = list_to_binary(Room ++ "@" ++ ?JABBER_MUC_HOST ++ "/"++Username)}],
children=[#xmlel{name=x,attrs=[#xmlattr{name=xmlns, value="?MUC"}]}]}.

But get error:

** Reason for termination =
** {badarg,[{erlang,binary_to_list,[to]},


I try to use:

create_move_room (Room, Username) ->
#xmlel {name=presence, attrs=[#xmlattr{name = to,
value = list_to_binary(Room ++ "@" ++ ?JABBER_MUC_HOST ++ "/"++Username)}],
children=[#xmlel{name=x,attrs=[#xmlattr{name=xmlns, value="?MUC"}]}]}.

But get error:

** Reason for termination =
** {badarg,[{erlang,binary_to_list,[to]},


I try to use:

create_move_room (Room, Username) ->
#xmlel {name=presence, attrs=[#xmlattr{name = to,
value = list_to_binary(Room ++ "@" ++ ?JABBER_MUC_HOST ++ "/"++Username)}],
children=[#xmlel{name=x,attrs=[#xmlattr{name=xmlns, value="?MUC"}]}]}.

But get error:

** Reason for termination =
** {badarg,[{erlang,binary_to_list,[to]},

I try to

I try to use:

create_move_room (Room, Username) ->
#xmlel {name=presence, attrs=[#xmlattr{name = to,
value = list_to_binary(Room ++ "@" ++ ?JABBER_MUC_HOST ++ "/"
++ Username)}],
attrs=[#xmlattr{name=xmlns, value="?MUC"}]}]}.

But get error:

** Reason for termination =
** {badarg,[{erlang,binary_to_list,[to]},

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