How to upgrade ejabberd from 2.1.6 to 2.1.8

Hello everybody,

I'm new to this beautiful and interesting forum.

I would like to ask you what would be a correct procedure to upgrade my version of ejabberd.

Below a summary description of my enviroment:

*) 2 Front-end servers in which run ldirector with keepalived;

*) 2 back-end servers in which it is installed ejabberd 2.1.6 from source code;

*) Some modules (ver. 1109) are used:
- mod_admin_extra,
- ejabberd_xmlrpcm,
- mysql,
- xmlrpc 1.13.

*) 2 servers for Mysql Cluster.

Could you tell me which are the exacts steps to upgrade my version to the latest?

Thanks in advance.

First of all, check the

First of all, check the release notes of all the intermediate versions (2.1.7 and 2.1.8), maybe they contain some specific note about required changes in SQL database or in cfg file.

1. Download 2.1.8 code, compile.
2. Download new versions of the modules, compile.
3. Stop the ejabberds.
4. Now is a good moment to backup the mnesia spool dirs.
5. Install the new *.beam and *.so files (overwritting the old files).
6. Start the ejabberds.

Hi badlop, thanks for your

Hi badlop,

thanks for your answer.
I'll try what you suggested me and let you know.

Have a nice day.

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