New hooks for mod_pubsub

We have a need to be able to know when a pubsub node is created and deleted as we need to modify associated external state information when such events happen. The only way I have been able to figure out is to create a packet filter and look for those two specific stanzas.

I am thinking that a better approach would be to add two additional hooks in mod_pubsub which will
get called when these events are processed there. Having looked at the code, I don't think it is too hard to do. While we can keep a proprietary patch and merge it every time, I am hoping I can convince about the utility of this to all of you and to get that merged into the main code base (I can do the patch provided someone reviews it...:))

If not, can someone recommend another way without having to look at all packets passing through?

Right, the best way would be

Right, the best way would be to run two new hooks in mod_pubsub.

The improvement looks useful. Once you have a patch that you like, you can create a ticket in the bug tracker describing the problem and attaching your patch as a proposed solution.

Here's a preliminary implementation. I didn't test it.

--- mod_pubsub/mod_pubsub.erl
+++ mod_pubsub/mod_pubsub.erl
@@ -1783,13 +1783,16 @@ create_node(Host, ServerHost, Node, Owner, GivenType, Access, Configuration) ->
 	    case transaction(CreateNode, transaction) of
 		{result, {NodeId, SubsByDepth, {Result, broadcast}}} ->
 		    broadcast_created_node(Host, Node, NodeId, Type, NodeOptions, SubsByDepth),
+		    ejabberd_hooks:run(pubsub_create_node, ServerHost, [ServerHost, Host, NodeId, NodeOptions, SubsByDepth]),
 		    case Result of
 			default -> {result, Reply};
 			_ -> {result, Result}
-		{result, {_NodeId, _SubsByDepth, default}} ->
+		{result, {NodeId, SubsByDepth, default}} ->
+		    ejabberd_hooks:run(pubsub_create_node, ServerHost, [ServerHost, Host, NodeId, NodeOptions, SubsByDepth]),
 		    {result, Reply};
-		{result, {_NodeId, _SubsByDepth, Result}} ->
+		{result, {NodeId, SubsByDepth, Result}} ->
+		    ejabberd_hooks:run(pubsub_create_node, ServerHost, [ServerHost, Host, NodeId, NodeOptions, SubsByDepth]),
 		    {result, Result};
 		Error ->
 		    %% in case we change transaction to sync_dirty...
@@ -1834,6 +1837,7 @@ delete_node(Host, Node, Owner) ->
     Reply = [],
+    ServerHost = dumb_get_serverhost(Host),
     case transaction(Host, Node, Action, transaction) of
 	{result, {_, {SubsByDepth, {Result, broadcast, Removed}}}} ->
 	    lists:foreach(fun({RNode, _RSubscriptions}) ->
@@ -1843,23 +1847,31 @@ delete_node(Host, Node, Owner) ->
 		Options = RNode#pubsub_node.options,
 		broadcast_removed_node(RH, RN, NodeId, Type, Options, SubsByDepth)
 	    end, Removed),
+	    ejabberd_hooks:run(pubsub_delete_node, ServerHost, [ServerHost, Host, Node]),
 	    case Result of
 		default -> {result, Reply};
 		_ -> {result, Result}
 	{result, {_, {_, {Result, _Removed}}}} ->
+	    ejabberd_hooks:run(pubsub_delete_node, ServerHost, [ServerHost, Host, Node]),
 	    case Result of
 		default -> {result, Reply};
 		_ -> {result, Result}
 	{result, {_, {_, default}}} ->
+	    ejabberd_hooks:run(pubsub_delete_node, ServerHost, [ServerHost, Host, Node]),
 	    {result, Reply};
 	{result, {_, {_, Result}}} ->
+	    ejabberd_hooks:run(pubsub_delete_node, ServerHost, [ServerHost, Host, Node]),
 	    {result, Result};
 	Error ->
+%% "" --> ""
+dumb_get_serverhost(Host) ->
+    string:join(string:substr(string:tokens(Host, "."), 2), ".").
 %% @spec (Host, Node, From, JID, Configuration) ->
 %%		  {error, Reason::stanzaError()} |
 %%		  {result, []}

Great. Glad to see that you

Great. Glad to see that you agree. I will make the changes, test them and submit them via bug tracker.

I am seeing a curious

I am seeing a curious behaviour and wanted to check. I made the changes to mod_pubsub.erl to fire pubsub_create_node and pubsub_delete_node events and tried it out with a test module. For example the create event is handled as:

create_node(ServerHost, Host, Node, NodeOptions) ->
  ?DEBUG("mod_sequence: Node created at ~p, ~p is ~p with ~n~p",
         [ServerHost, Host, Node, NodeOptions]),

I am seeing two entries in the log right after each other for each create event. Example:

=INFO REPORT==== 2011-06-15 09:56:18 ===
D(<0.357.0>:mod_sequence:67) : mod_sequence: Node created at <<"localhost">>, <<"pubsub.localhost">> is <<"test1">> with

=INFO REPORT==== 2011-06-15 09:56:18 ===
D(<0.357.0>:mod_sequence:67) : mod_sequence: Node created at <<"localhost">>, <<"pubsub.localhost">> is <<"test1">> with

Is this expected behaviour?

I finally figured out how to dump stacktrace and here are the results. It is being called twice, but I am still not sure why. Here is what I see in the log file:

=INFO REPORT==== 2011-06-18 20:23:32 ===
D(<0.357.0>:mod_sequence:73) : mod_sequence: stack trace

=INFO REPORT==== 2011-06-18 20:23:32 ===
D(<0.357.0>:mod_sequence:75) : mod_sequence: Node created at <<"localhost">>, <<"pubsub.localhost">> is <<"test1">> with

=INFO REPORT==== 2011-06-18 20:23:32 ===
D(<0.357.0>:mod_sequence:73) : mod_sequence: stack trace

=INFO REPORT==== 2011-06-18 20:23:32 ===
D(<0.357.0>:mod_sequence:75) : mod_sequence: Node created at <<"localhost">>, <<"pubsub.localhost">> is <<"test1">> with

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