Mnesia backup on ejabberd 2.1.6

On Fedora 12, ejabberd 2.1.6 with ejabberd running when I try to do binary backup of mnesia database using the
standard command:

% ejabberdctl backup ejabberd.backup

I get the following message on screen and nothing is saved- and not even the empty file : ejabberd.backup

=INFO REPORT==== 20-Jun-2011::03:06:53 ===
D(<5291.4639.2>:ejabberd_commands:314) : Executing command ejabberd_admin:backup_mnesia with Args=["ejabberd.backup"]

Additional info:

1. It is being done as a root-user and I'm doing it in a user writeable area.

The file is saved where

The file is saved where ejabberd considers its HOME, not where you are running it. If you search, you may find the file in /var/log/ejabberd or some other unexpected dir.

To solve this problem, provide the full path, for example:
% ejabberdctl backup /tmp/ejabberd.backup

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