Error with External authentication,

Hi Everyone,

I am starting with Ejabberd. I install ejabberd2.1.8 on MACOS X 10.0.4 .
Everything work well. But when I edit ejabberd.cfg to work with external authentication script then meet error:

- Config file:
%%{auth_method, internal}.
{auth_method, external}.
{extauth_program, "/tmp/my_auth.php"}.

- Error report: C(<0.6790.0>:extauth:146) : extauth script has exitted abruptly with reason 'normal'
This error loop until the server stop.

I grant full permission to /tmp/my_auth.php and run with php command, not error.

Please help me!

Thanks & Regards,

[source]/doc/dev.html 4

4 Authentication -> 4.0.1 External

That script is supposed to do theses actions, in an infinite loop:

I suppose that your script simply does one pass and exits.

Thank for your answer. The

Thank for your answer.

The problem is when I just enbale to authentication using external script then met error. Not yet known script is work or not.


Thanks for your answer. But

Thanks for your answer.

But the main proplem is I met the error when just open config to use external-auth, ejabberd has not executed the script.


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