delete_rosteritem not work?

Hi guys,

When I was trying to delete a roster via command delete_rosteritem, below is the command I ran, 22 and 999 is the user id, hzs-t61-elou is the server of them, but it has error as printed below, from the doc, it need 4 arguments, and I provided the arguments in command line. Any idea?

D:\ejabberd-2.1.8\bin>ejabberdctl delete_rosteritem 22 hzs-t61-elou 999 hzs-t61-elou

Error: the command "delete_rosteritem" requires 1 more argument.

Command Name: delete_rosteritem

Arguments: localuser::string

Returns: res::rescode

Tags: roster

Description: Delete an item from a user's roster

Error: the command "delete_rosteritem" requires 1 more argument.

I got the answer, issue

I got the answer, issue resolved.

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