Cannot connect inside lan

Hello All

This is my first post.

I am really confused. The install went very well. I can log onto the admin page with no problems.

I have a static IP of and port 5222 is open on the server

hostname -a = mychat

hostname =

I have created two users admin and stevek

I am now attempting to configure pidgin to connect on the actual server pc,, and from another pc within the net

I cannot figure out how to configure the IM client to connect.

Can someone show me a step-by-step on how to?

I built an Openfire chat server and it works great for chat,, but I would like to try ejabberd so I might have audio / video chat also.

Thanks for any assistance

What are your host config

What are your host config settings in ejabberd.cfg?
What login name do you use when logging in to admin console?

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