What is the current version of ejabberd and what is the "commercial" version?

I'm trying to navigate ejabberd's official page but I don't understand what is the "current" version. On one hand they boast 3.0 everywhere (on the website, in the blog), on the other hand, only 2.1.11 is downloadable, and github doesn't have any 3.x either (except an obsolete alpha).

Also, judging by this page which lists the supported protocols, there is a "commercial" version that supports more features than the open-source one. I might be interested in spending money on it, but I can't even find where I can purchase it or how much it costs! The only ejabberd-related thing that can be purchased is installation support.

What am I missing here?

The all-ground good version

The all-ground good version is ejabberd 2.1.11. There's a bugfix version 2.1.12 in the works.

A commercial version of ejabberd 2 is available with some additional modules, as you saw.

And then there's the branch ejabberd 3, for which some alphas were released. Its main new feature is virtual host hot add/removal and less memory consumption (this is good), but it also contains a major API rewrite (this is bad). So development is now simplifying the API rewrite before making another alpha or beta release.

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