sorry, but i dont know what else to do than what i actually did- cant enable icq support


i am really sorry to ask something like that, but my english is everything else but good and i dont have a glimpse whatt to search for at google and in this board.

i have installes ejabberd and its running great. i am using debian for it on one of my root-servers. but one problem left:

i dont know how to set up the server or what modules to install to get the icq transport enabled. when i discover the services with my client, i am using PSI, there is the adminstuff, the irc protokoll but no icq, yahoo or stuff. and the biggest problems- i dont understand the FAQ´s and stuff so there is no way to find a way on my own.

thats why i get on your nerves and hope there will be a proffessionel wich can tell me what to do or someone who can send me a link to an example wich ist working.

another problem: i can understand the config- file a bit but i dont know the sytax i need to set up the icq stuff. the actual config is working as it is set up and everythings fine... ecept the icq thing.

many many thanks from germany to everyone who can help me setting up my server. and here is the content of my ejabberd.cfg:



{acl, admin, {user, "mrose", ""}}.
{acl, admin, {user, "mrose", "localhost"}}.

{acl, admin, {user, "mrose"}}.

{access, announce,    [{allow,  admin},
                       {deny,   all}]}.
{access, c2s,         [{deny,   blocked},
                       {allow,  all}]}.
{access, c2s_shaper,  [{none,   admin},
                       {normal, all}]}.
{access, configure,   [{allow,  admin},
                       {deny,   all}]}.
{access, disco_admin, [{allow,  admin},
                       {deny,   all}]}.
{access, muc_admin,   [{allow,  admin},
                       {deny,   all}]}.
{access, register,    [{allow,   all}]}.
{access, s2s_shaper,  [{fast,   all}]}.

{registration_watchers, [""]}.
{access, announce, [{allow, admin}]}.

{auth_method,           internal}.
{host,                 ""}.
{outgoing_s2s_port,     5269}.
{shaper, normal,       {maxrate, 100000}}.
{shaper, fast,         {maxrate, 500000}}.


         [{5222, ejabberd_c2s,
                      [{access,   c2s},
                       {shaper,   c2s_shaper}]},

          {5223, ejabberd_c2s,
                      [{access,   c2s},
                       {shaper,   c2s_shaper},
                       {ssl,    [{certfile, "/etc/openssl/certs/ejabberd.pem"}]}]},

          {5555, ejabberd_service, [{ip, {78, 46, 88, 149}},
                           {access, all},
                           {hosts, ["", ""], [{password, "secret"}]}]},

          {5269, ejabberd_s2s_in,
                      [{shaper,   s2s_shaper}]}]}.

{access, muc_admin, [{allow, admin}]}.
{access, muc, [{allow, all}]}.

{modules, [
           {mod_adhoc,      []},
           {mod_announce,   [{access, announce}]},
           {mod_register,  []},
           {mod_roster,    []},
           {mod_privacy,   []},
           {mod_configure, []},
           {mod_disco,     []},
           {mod_stats,     []},
           {mod_vcard,     []},
           {mod_offline,   []},
           {mod_echo,      [{host, ""}]},
           {mod_private,   []},
           {mod_irc,       []},

           {mod_muc,       [{access, muc},
              {access_create, muc},
              {access_admin, muc_admin}]},

           {mod_pubsub,    []},
           {mod_time,      []},
           {mod_last,      []},
           {mod_version,   []},
           {mod_shared_roster, []},
           {mod_caps,       []},
           {mod_time,       []},
           {mod_last,       []},
           {mod_version,    []}


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Install an ICQ transport

JackJTP wrote:

i dont know how to set up the server or what modules to install to get the icq transport enabled. when i discover the services with my client, i am using PSI, there is the adminstuff, the irc protokoll but no icq, yahoo or stuff. and the biggest problems- i dont understand the FAQ´s and stuff so there is no way to find a way on my own.

thats why i get on your nerves and hope there will be a proffessionel wich can tell me what to do or someone who can send me a link to an example wich ist working.

another problem: i can understand the config- file a bit but i dont know the sytax i need to set up the icq stuff. the actual config is working as it is set up and everythings fine... ecept the icq thing.

          {5555, ejabberd_service, [{ip, {78, 46, 88, 149}},
                           {access, all},
                           {hosts, ["", ""], [{password, "secret"}]}]},

ejabberd only includes a tranport/gateway: IRC. You will need to install any other transport you may want to use. The example ejabberd.cfg mentions icq and sms just as an example of how to configure.

So, you need to:

  1. Install an ICQ transport in your machine
  2. Configure the ICQ transport to connect to ejabberd
  3. Configure ejabberd to accept the connection from your ICQ transport. Your current config seems good for this.
  4. Start ejabberd
  5. Start the ICQ transport

I don't know what Jabber-ICQ transports are nowadays, I just remember PyICQt and this tutorial: Install PyICQt - ICQ Transport

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