the process can't process messages faster than they arrive


Since almost the beginning I have this kind of notification from ejabberd server:

(ejabberd@localhost) The process <0.31284.41> is consuming too much memory: [{heap_block_size,1346269},{mbuf_size,0},{stack_size,83},{heap_size,384205}].
Process type: c2s
Possible reason: the process can't process messages faster than they arrive.  Current function is mnesia_lib:db_get/3
Command to kill this process: kill ejabberd@localhost <0.31284.41>


(ejabberd@localhost) The process <0.31284.41> is consuming too much memory: [{heap_block_size,1346269},{mbuf_size,0},{stack_size,79},{heap_size,368590}].
Process type: c2s
Possible reason: the process can't process messages faster than they arrive.  Current function is dict:append/3
Command to kill this process: kill ejabberd@localhost <0.31284.41>

I have setted up level 1 in ejabberd config file for log level.

Maybe I have to configure some parameters to not having this kind of notification ?

I have about 70 users online, not so much.

Best Regards,

Re: the process can't process messages faster than they arrive

You better disable watchdog because it is intended for development needs only.

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